Examination of classroom teachers' opinions on the abolition of written exams in the fourth grade of primary school



Written exam, primary school, classroom teacher


The purpose of this study is to examine the opinions of classroom teachers regarding the removal of
written exams in the fourth grade of primary school as of the 2023-2024 academic year. 45 classroom
teachers who worked in primary schools in Arnavutköy District of Istanbul Province and taught the
fourth grade of primary school at least once participated in the study on a voluntary basis. Interview
technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. A structured interview
form was used as a data collection tool, and descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the
data. The findings of the research are as follows: While most of the participating classroom teachers
stated that they did not find it right to abolish written exams in the 4th grade; They stated that they
found the evaluation practice and giving points to students, according to the teacher's opinion, to be
developmentally correct in the specified class.


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How to Cite

Demirbaş Nemli , B., Erdoğan, M., Yılmaz, H., Çiftçi, İlker, Yüce, C., & Ayra, M. (2024). Examination of classroom teachers’ opinions on the abolition of written exams in the fourth grade of primary school . International Journal of Sports Technology and Science, 2(1), 54–65. Retrieved from https://globsportsjournal.com/index.php/pub/article/view/37