Investigation of motivation levels of high school students for school sports competitions



School sports, interest, involvement, motivation, competition


The aim of this study is to examine the motivation levels of high school students towards school sports competitions in terms of demographic variables. The research is based on quantitative survey model. The research group consists of 168 female and 134 male students studying at high school level. The data collection tools used in the study are School Sports Competitions Motivation Scale (SSMCS) and Personal Information Form. The data were analysed by taking missing values and extreme values into consideration and parametric tests were applied. In statistical analyses, independent groups t test, One-Way Anova, Tukey test were used to determine the difference between groups and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used in relational analyses. According to the findings of the study, the scores obtained by female students in the interest and involvement dimensions were found to be significantly higher than male students. However, in the analyses made according to the grade level, no significant difference was found between the grade levels in the motivation scores of the students. There was no significant relationship between age and motivation scores. These findings emphasise that school sport competitions should be designed by considering gender-specific motivational factors. The research contributes to a better understanding of motivational factors for school sport competitions.


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How to Cite

Alkan, İlkay, Doğruer, A., & Öğraş, E. B. (2024). Investigation of motivation levels of high school students for school sports competitions. International Journal of Sports Technology and Science, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from