Football, infrastructure, education, teaching model, individualizationAbstract
In new teaching approaches in football, the coach should not dictate his own thoughts to the football players, but should introduce the football player's idea and learning model and direct the football player to scientific and up-to-date training methods. For a football education design to reach the desired level, the flow of learning and teaching should not be done randomly, but in a scientific, systematic and sustainable way. Among the studies carried out in this direction, individualized teaching model activities have an important place. In our study, we took action with the idea of conducting an in-depth literature research on this subject and contributing to the field on the subject. In this regard, it is useful to mention some explanations regarding the individualized teaching model. In this study, how the individualized teaching model football education will be implemented is included and tried to be presented. Thus, coaches and scientists can obtain new information about this subject and add different perspectives to their knowledge. Therefore, the aim of our study is to conduct detailed field research on the need for an individualized teaching model in football.
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