

Football, Periods, Plan, Strategy, Systems


Football has an important potential both in our country and in the world. As football has reached the highest level, scientific research has taken football to an even higher level. took him to. Football game systems have evolved from past to present. by renewing the age, technology and football tacticians to improve themselves. By making tactical changes in the game, the differences between the teams system and tactical differences, the richness of the attacks they use and the The effectiveness of cum principles on the outcome, the overall tactical The effects of differences on the offensive aspect of the game were analyzed analytically. truck. In tournaments, the game systems of the teams and the formations in the game systems and principles, attack principles in this formation have been determined. The game systems of the teams, the attack variations of the systems are determined It was made for the purpose of System changes made during the competition Another aim of the innovation moves is the superiority of systems over systems. There may be a thought to use nudes.


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How to Cite

Cemal Yılmaz. (2023). GAME SYSTEMS AND PERIODS IN FOOTBALL . International Journal of Sports Technology and Science, 1(1), 23–34. Retrieved from